18 December, 2016

Creedal Index of Texts Abused by Many Today

Below is a list of the various creeds and confessions commonly appealed to in support of ...


(1) “Common Grace” (the teaching that God loves or is favourably disposed toward, not just the elect, but also the reprobate wicked … and that this love or favour (specifically for the reprobate wicked) is shown in 1) His giving them all sorts of earthly good things (rain, sunshine, food, air, friends, family, happiness, etc.), and 2) various providential workings in their hearts and lives, whereby they are restrained from committing certain outward sins and even operate in a functioning society—a society in which they (the reprobate) even look out for and care for each other). [NB. a view which essentially confuses grace and providence])

(2) the “well-meant gospel offer” (British term: “the free offer of the gospel”) (the notion that God, out of a redemptive/salvific love for all men, sends the gospel out to all men with the desire, will, wish, and intention that all who outwardly hear the preaching be blessed by it. [NB. a desire, will, wish or intention that is frustrated or ineffectual, for many reject it and perish in unbelief])

(3) the notion that fallen man is still in (or partially in) the image of God [NB. Whereas man, at the Fall, lost that image—completely!]

(4) “Hypo-Calvinism” (the view that says man is not totally depraved, but partially so—he didn’t die at the Fall, but he would have done, had it not been for God’s intervention; a denial of sovereign, unconditional reprobation [reprobation is conditional]; denial of limited atonement [Jesus died for everyone!]; denial of irresistible grace [for the gospel proclamation, which is itself “grace” is resisted by many])

(5) “Hyper-Calvinism” (the view that says unregenerate men are not under any duty or responsibility to repent and believe in Jesus—only those who have been regenerated or spiritually awakened are commanded to believe and repent; the notion that the gospel is only to be proclaimed to “sensible sinners”)

(6) Arminianism


And much more …


(Note: This list is regularly updated and added to. If you are looking for some exegesis or a commentary on a specific Bible text not included below, please contact me via Facebook or email [hutchingsmusic@gmail.com]. The list below is arranged in chronological order).





East Friesian Confession (1528)


East Friesian Confession (1528)—“… [despising] the offered grace of the gospel …”



Saxon Confession (1551)


The Saxon Confession, written by Philip Melanchthon



French Confession of Faith (1559)


French Confession, Article XIII—“… offered and communicated to us in Jesus Christ …”



Belgic Confession (1561)


Belgic Confession, Article 12—“… by the grace of God [some angels] remained steadfast …”


Belgic Confession, Article 13—“… he so restrains the devil and all our enemies …”


Belgic Confession, Article 14—“… and retained only a few remains thereof [of his excellent gifts] …”


Belgic Confession, Article 36—“… that the dissoluteness of men might be restrained …”


Belgic Confession, Article 36—“… that decency and good order, which God hath established among men …”



Heidelberg Catechism (1563)


Heidelberg Catechism: LD 3—“wholly incapable of doing any good, and inclined to all wickedness”


Heidelberg Catechism: LD 7—“that not only to others, but to me also … freely given by God”


Heidelberg Catechism: LD 15—“… the sins of all mankind …


Heidelberg Catechism: LD 15—“... all the time that he lived on earth …”


Heidelberg Catechism: LD 31—“… declared and publicly testified to all and every believer …”



Second Helvetic Confession (1566)


Second Helvetic (Swiss) Confession—Chapter 19



Bohemian Confession (1575)


The Bohemian Confession (1575)



Canons of Dordt (1619)


Canons of Dordt, I: 3—“… God mercifully sends the messengers of these most joyful tidings …”


Canons of Dordt, I: 5—“The cause or guilt of this unbelief … is no wise in God, but in man himself


Canons of Dordt, II: 3—“… abundantly sufficient …”


Canons of Dordt, II: 5—“… declared and published to all without distinction …”


Canons of Dordt, II: 6—“… many who are called by the gospel perish in unbelief …”


Canons of Dordt, III/IV: 1—“… became wicked, rebellious, and obdurate in heart and will …”


Canons of Dordt, III/IV: 3—“… incapable of saving good …”


Canons of Dordt, III/IV: 3—“… prone to evil …”


Canons of Dordt, III/IV: 4—“… glimmerings of natural light …”


Canons of Dordt, III/IV: 4—“… regard for virtue and order in society …”


Canons of Dordt, III/IV: 7—“… they, to whom so great and so gracious a blessing is communicated …”


Canons of Dordt, III/IV: 8—“… unfeignedly [seriously] called …”


Canons of Dordt, III/IV: 8—“… God hath … declared … what will be acceptable to him … that all … should come unto him …”


Canons of Dordt, III/IV: 8—“… that those who are called should come unto him …”


Canons of Dordt, III/IV: 8—“… comply with the invitation …”


Canons of Dordt, III/IV: 8—“… [He] promises eternal life and rest to as many as shall come to him and believe on him …”


Canons of Dordt, III/IV: 9—“It is not the fault of the gospel, nor of Christ, nor of God …”


Canons of Dordt, III/IV: 9—“… Christ offered therein …”


Canons of Dordt, III/IV: 9—“… and confers on them various gifts …”


Canons of Dordt, III/IV: 9—“… those who are called by the ministry of the word [but who] refuse to come …”


Canons of Dordt, “Conclusion—“not … in the same manner” (eodem modo)



The Directory for Public Worship (1645)


Directory for Public Worship—“... standing out against many invitations and offers of grace in the gospel”



Westminster Confession of Faith (1647)


Westminster Confession VI: 2—“... defiled in all the faculties and parts of soul and body”


Westminster Confession, VII: 3—“... wherein He freely offers unto sinners life and salvation ...”


Westminster Confession, VIII: 4—“... He was made under the law, and did perfectly fulfil it ...”


Westminster Confession, X: 2—“… the grace offered and conveyed in it …”


Westminster Confession, X: 4—“… common operations of the Spirit …”


Westminster Confession XVI: 7—“Works done by unregenerate men … things which God commands, and of good use …


Westminster Confession XX: 1—“a God, who … is good, and does good unto all



Westminster Larger Catechism (1647)


Westminster Larger Catechism, Q&A 67—“… the grace offered and conveyed therein …”


Westminster Larger Catechism, Q&A 68—“… common operations of the Spirit …”


Westminster Larger Catechism, Q&A 68—“… the grace offered to them …”



Westminster Shorter Catechism (1647)


Westminster Shorter Catechism, Q&A 83—“… Some sins … are more heinous in the sight of God than others …”


Westminster Shorter Catechism, Q&A 86—“… Jesus Christ … offered to us in the gospel”



Minutes of the Westminster Assembly (1647)


Minutes, Session 753—“God’s offer of [Christ] in His word to me as well as to any other man”


Minutes, Session 844—“… from Christ some common favours redound to all mankind”


Minutes, Session 873—“the Gospel … doth tender salvation by Christ to all”



The Sum of Saving Knowledge (1650)


Sum of Saving Knowledge—“the Lord makes offer of grace to all sinners, upon condition of faith in Jesus Christ”




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